Tuesday, May 5

Orange Cranberry Drumsticks

Drumsticks are the easiest part of the chicken to cook. hmm..maybe breasts are easy too. Unless they are stuffed, that could get tricky. Ok, let me start again— Drumsticks are one of the easiest parts of the chicken to cook. Why? because all you have to do is marinate them (very important) and stick them in the oven. Thats it. And they come out so delicious. Also, Drumsticks can be made into any flavor you fancy: Apricot drumsticks. Pear drumsticks. Fig drumsticks. Tangerine drumsticks. I think I like just saying the word drumstick. Its fun, try it! Oh! maybe because it has the same name as a certain frozen dessert with ice cream and nuts and a crunchy cone with dense chocolate at the bottom. I have to get some of those into my freezer. And then into my mouth. Anyways, back to chicken drumsticks, I made orange cranberry drumsticks this time.

I found this sauce at trader joe's a while ago and thought I could use it somehow. It had the same consistency as other preserves I've used for drumsticks so I figured it would work. It has a tartness from the cranberry yet a sweetness from the orange. Delicious!

This is the "before shot" of the drumsticks after they were marinated overnight, right before they were going into the oven.

And this is the "after shot" of the drumsticks after about 45 min in the oven. Don't they look golden and delicious? I served this with roasted artichokes (post coming soon) and baked beans (because adam loves 'em :)

Orange Cranberry Drumsticks
10-16 drumsticks, skin on
1/2 cup shallots, finely chopped
1/4 cup ginger, finely chopped
2 teaspoons sesame oil
1/4 cup chicken broth
1/2 cup red wine vinegar
2/3 cup soy sauce
1 cup sauce/preserves (any flavor would work)

1 Saute the shallots and ginger over medium heat in the sesame oil and chicken broth until softened.
2 Stir in vinegar and bring to a boil. Reduce by half.
3 Add soy sauce and preserves and simmer uncovered on low for about 8 minutes. Remove from heat and let cool.
4 Place drumsticks into a large ziplock bag and pour cooled marinade all over the chicken. Seal and refrigerate for at least 8 hours or over night. Turn bag over once.
5 Preheat oven to 400. Line a baking pan (I used a disposable aluminum pan) with the chicken in a single layer and pour marinade over entire pan.
6 Roast chicken for about 40-45 minutes. Be sure to watch it and make sure it doesn't overcook. You can test this by cutting unto the deepest part of the meat and checking its rawness. Roast, turning once, until deep brown and glazed.


  1. Thanks so much for dropping by--I hope you'll come back. I, too, find some great sauces and marinades at TJs. My favorite of the moment is a picatta sauce.

  2. We like drumsticks. What an interesting recipe. I like the fact that you marinate it overnight. Must be flavorful.

  3. Thanks for stopping by Zoe :)
    I have some home made marmalade on hand - you think it will work?

  4. Maya- Of course. Im sure that will turn out great!

  5. The sweet and savory is a nice combination. This is a totally new way to do chicken, and it sounds delish.

  6. I love this combination of sweet and savory.

  7. This really has nothing to do with this yummy post other than to mention that the craisins, now come in the orange flavor so if you want to re-create that flavor in a salad, you can throw in some orange craisins. They have cherry also. I keep a bag of each and if I plan to throw them into something, I try to match the flavors.

    Certainly, the orange cranberry sauce sounds tasty. I could see using it in a variety of ways.


Thank you so much for stopping by!