Monday, August 31

Garlic Chips

I remembered seeing these on Rachel Ray a while ago, and it just popped back in to my head to try them yesterday. They sounded so simple and of course, any form of garlic is good in my book. The trick to these are to cook them over low heat because garlic burns very easily. Once it turns brown, you have to immediately remove them from the oil or otherwise they will burn and taste bitter (I burnt a couple of them until I got the hang of it). These are awesome garnishes on vegetables — green beans, potatoes, broccoli, etc. — or just as a snack. Not to mention, the oil that remains is now infused with garlic and adds tremendous flavor when used in cooking vegetables, meat or chicken.
Garlic Chips
3-4 Garlic cloves
1/4 cup oil, I used olive

1 Cut garlic cloves into really thin slices, I used a mandolin (and I didn't cut myself this time!)
2 Heat oil in a small deep saute pan over medium to low heat. When you throw in a garlic chip and it bubbles around it, you know the oil is hot enough.
3 Cook garlic slices until slightly brown, about 3 minutes, and immediately remove from oil. You can cook may slices at one time, but don't overcrowd the pan.


  1. Love Garlic. In Indian cooking we do a lot of sauteing the garlic before the cooking.. almost this way! what wonderful flavors.

  2. very interesting. I'm tempted to try this, but scared of burning them and stinking up my house!

  3. mmm, so good. I am pretty sure I would be needing a mint after snacking on these

  4. looks good--I am such a ditz, I don't think I would actually make them without burning them.

  5. Yummy! I love garlic and I will definitely give this a try!! Hope your week is off to a great start.


  6. These garlic chips must taste fantastic! When I first had cooked garlic by itself and was surprised how much I liked it, so I can't wait to try the chips!

  7. They look good! What an unusual and tasty looking snack.

  8. Garlic chips...what can be better then this. Btw, what mandolin do you have? I plan to buy one soon.

  9. i would totally just nosh on these willy-nilly! what a great little munchie, and you're right--they'd make a stellar garnish and crunch-factor to all kinds of dishes!

  10. I love garlic. I reckon this should be good as sprinkle in noodle soup!

  11. Yummie...these garlic chips look so tasty...

  12. These are beautiful. Do they come with a toothbrush?

  13. I think I could probably just eat them like chips! mmmmmm....

  14. Great idea! I will have to make some of these.

  15. Oh, man, those look good. At my house it's never a bad thing to add garlic to a dish! I wanted to make garlic confit to keep in the fridge, but found out it can get bad pretty quickly that way. But these garlic chips would probably hold up for at least a little while. YUMMY!

  16. garlic is soo good for health!!! i vud love to try these garlic chips :)

  17. Oh yum! I was nibbling on the leftover chunks of garlic from our stir fry last night, so this looks right up my alley!

  18. Garlic Chips wow! These look great although it's a lot of work for a little crunch.

  19. Yum! Wait! Wasn't it you that gave us those yummy fried capers? Yes, I do believe it was and like a dummy I still haven't tried them. I need to break out the fryer this weekend.

  20. How lovely, wanting some now LOL. I bet they'd be delicious as a garnish to soup, yum.


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