Thursday, September 3

Fresh Okra and Tomato salad

I love okra any which way — raw, fried, or sauteed — but what I don't love is the slime. Why? Why? Why must there be slime when you cook okra?! I believe the trick is to keep them whole, and not cut them into bite-sized pieces. In this lovely side dish, I cooked the okra whole over medium high heat and then threw in some grape tomatoes. The sauce is lemon juice, garlic, salt, and pepper. Thats it! This is a perfect weeknight dinner side dish or a festive labor day dish!

Sauteed Fresh Okra and Tomato Salad
1/2 lb fresh okra
10 or so grape tomatoes, split lengthwise
1 garlic clove, minced
Juice of half a lemon
salt 'n' peppa

1 Trim ends of okra and cook over medium high heat until bright green and slightly softened.
2 Throw in the tomatoes and garlic, and squeeze lemon juice into pan and mix all together.
3 Season with salt and pepper and serve!


  1. An interesting salad! I've never cooked okra...



  2. Okra is one of my favorite vegetables, and it's really perfect with tomatoes!

  3. Okay, YUM! I just popped over to see who you are since you commented on my blog, and I am totally adding your blog to my list of reads! Your recipes and pictures look delicious! Can't wait to peruse your archives. :) And thanks for stopping by my blog!

  4. I love every single vegetable except okra. I just can't deal with the slime but I never thought of keeping it whole. Next time I see it at the farmers' market I will pick some up to try.

  5. LOL...slime, I know!! Your plate looks very appetizing, though :D yum!

  6. I've never had okra. When you say slime I get scared! This does look fresh and delicious!

  7. I'm a huge okra fan

    - blame it on my Alabama upbringing :)

    Your recipe looks so fresh and

    perfect with a nice glass of dry

    white. I'm gonna miss summer. :(

  8. So was there any slime? The slime is what keeps me from Okra. Tell me it worked and I can eat Okra.

  9. Great recipe. I've always just chopped and simmered okra (never mind the slime) so will try it whole like yours next time.

  10. I've never had non-fried okra, so I'll have to try it. Thanks for the cooking tips!

  11. An excellent okra preparation, I must try it whole! Delicious salad!

  12. Looks good Zoe. I always cook okra the indian way, like a saute/fry, never thought of it as a salad! love that the green is retained.

  13. I will have to try these-I love okra.

  14. love the color combination in ye salad!! yumm!!


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