Tuesday, November 3

The underestimated Brussel Sprout

Have you ever had a brussel sprout? I mean, I know people hear brussel sprouts and say "blech, gross!" but have you actually eaten one before?? I admittedly have not until I ordered it at a restaurant as a side dish. I asked the waiter what he recommended, as I always do, and I was surprised when he replied "the brussel sprouts." At first I was apprehensive but he talked me into it, and I am so happy he did. It was a delicious, slightly bitter tender green that melted in my mouth. The sprouts at the restaurant were sauteed in butter, but I opted for a slightly healthier version at home. I found this recipe at 101cookbooks. The golden sprouts were a great side dish to a fillet of fish. 

You can even sprinkle them with grated parmesan cheese!
Try these as a side dish and I promise you will see brussel sprouts in a whole new way!

Golden Brussel Sprouts
1 pack brussel sprouts, around 20 sprouts
olive oil
grated parmesan cheese, optional

1 Wash sprouts well and cut stems off. Slice each sprout in half from root to tip.
2 Heat a large skillet over medium heat with some olive oil, enough to coat the pan. While the oil in the pan is heating up, pour some olive oil on a plate and dip the cut side of each sprout into the oil and then place onto the heated pan.
3 Arrange the sprouts in a single layer in the pan (I had to do it in two batches) so none overlap. Sprinkle with salt and cover. Cook for about 5 minutes, taste one to test if tender enough.
4 Serve with grated parmesan, optional.


  1. I absolutely despise brussel sprouts but your photos sure do make them look good!

  2. I always find mushiness and bitterness in brussels sprouts. But Zoe, yours look so yum.

  3. I love Brussels sprouts. I recently heard that you can roast them and eat them like chip???

  4. I always had an aversion to brussel sprouts growing up for some reason. They are soo good so I don't know why!

  5. Zoe,
    I have been roasting brussels sprouts forever.
    Just some olive oil, kosher salt and 400F.
    It's like eating candy!

  6. We've tried the brussel sprout recipe from 101 Cookbooks as well. Yum. But, the best brussel sprouts I ever had were at Momofuku, a restaurant in NYC....when they are on the menu...a must, they are to die for! I think they use tons of bacon....-Chris Ann

  7. A lovely dish! I am a big fan of Brussel sprouts! This gourmet veggies is so versatile and tasty!



  8. I had a confuse relation about Brussel sprouts. It depends how is prepare. Your recipe is one that I will certainly like

  9. I tried to sneak some brussel sprouts into the cart this weekend, but my husband busted me! Even if I promise he doesn't have to eat them, he doesn't trust having them in the house :)

  10. Very pretty and sounds like a great preparation, I will be giving it a try!

  11. m loving the idea!! thanx for sharing and as always beautiful photography :)

  12. Delicious! I love fresh brussel sprouts. I find most people who hate them have only eaten the frozen kind...yuck!

  13. I love brussels sprouts..but I'm the only one in my house that does. This recipe looks and sounds simply delicious :D

  14. brussel sprouts are gorgeous as an asian dish! a little bit of soy, or a little bit of oyster sauce, sprinkled with fried shallots, and believe me, you'll never have doubts every again!


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