Thursday, April 1

Blogiversary giveaway!

Well, it's been about a year since I've started this blog, can you believe it? It has been so much fun to share photographs and recipes with fellow bloggers who are all so kind and talented. To celebrate this momentous occasion I am having my very first giveaway!!! Of course it had to be cooking/kitchen related because this is a food blog after all!

It is a BergHOFF stainless steel salt shaker and pepper mill set. Isn't it pretty? I loved it when I saw it and thought it was so modern and sleek. They are from They have an awesome selection of everything from furniture, (even italian brands), to home bars (perfect for entertaining), to kitchen accessories.

One lucky winner will receive this stainless steel salt and pepper mill set (yes, both salt and pepper!) Just leave a comment and tell me what your favorite kitchen gadget is. It can be anything, a tool/pot/knife/teapot/doodad, whatever. Just tell me what ur fave is!

The deadline to enter is tomorrow, Friday by midnight. I will pick a winner randomly. Good luck!!


  1. mandolin. I can't cut things so precisely.

  2. When I was in LA we went in a cooking store and they had something called a garlic zoom. It was a plastic container with wheels and you put the peeled garlic in and roll it across a flat surface and it chops up the garlic for you. That way you don't get it on your hands and smell like it for days.

  3. I like a good ole fashion cutting board! I love veggies and I love cutting them up and then sliding them into a salad!
    Yum... makes me want to eat some veggies right now!

  4. A spatula is my favorite kitchen gadget! It's so useful!


  5. OMG I need this like you would not believe! Aside from a trusty salt/pepper mill set (hint, hint), I am a sucker for a garlic press. I will actually omit garlic all together from a recipe if I have to cut it by hand!

  6. Not to be "that person" but I really like the Magic Bullet.
    ONE. TWO. THREE. Guacamole!
    ONE. TWO. THREE. Smoothie!

    (Recently, I saw the infomercial for the Ninja-- it's supposed to be a bigger and better Magic Bullet. I can't wait until it hits BB&B!)

  7. I really love my garlic press. I use it everyday! Don't love cleaning it though...

  8. I'm not a huge gadget person, but its a tough call between my microplane and my $1 juicer tool from IKEA (not sure of the exact name). Both are soo handy!

  9. I really love my Santoku knife by Calphalon. It's the first "real" knife I've ever purchased. haha. Not sure how I've lived without it.

  10. Definitely love the mircoplane. I use it all the time. Another good one is the lemon/lime handheld juicers!

  11. And here I thought I was going to be the only one who said microplane!
    It is indeed my favorite kitchen toy!
    Great giveaway!

  12. Oh this is so fun! But how can I pick just one for my favorite?? I'd say that my Shun knife is my best gadget -- a good, sharp knife will change your life!

  13. Hey chica! Happy bloggiversary. Such an achievement!

    My favorite kitchen gadget. Hmmm. Has to be my garlic chopper. It relieves stress and gets my garlic minced all at the same time!

  14. My favorite gadget is my food processor. As a new bride i didn't think I would use a large one so when we registered I only got a little one. Now I wish I would have registered for the larger!

  15. nonstick skillet and rubber scraper. use them every day.



  16. I love sea salt grinders. Makes the salt nice and fresh! xoxo

  17. So perfect for my boyfriend. We are redoing his kitchen (on a teeny tiny budget!) We are going for sleek and a bit industrial, so these would be a wonderful!!!

  18. Oh, I forgot, my favorite gadget? My chef knife. I use it for EVERYTHING!

  19. Yay Zoe! This is fabulous! I love my pink silicone spatula, I use it daily...I only wish I had one in every size.

  20. I don't know what I would do without my "all purpose" knife!

  21. Congrats on your blogiversary. I use my flexible spatula all the time.

  22. Hands down my microplane Zester. Fabulous give away and congrats on the anniversary.

  23. my fave kitchen gadget? well it had to be nonstick skillets...

    Happy Blogiversary!

  24. my microplane, loved it since day one

  25. My tongs! They are so multi-purpose and like a second pair of hands.

  26. the humble pastry cutter is my tool of choice. pair it up with a little elbow grease and you can have a delicious pie crust in no time flat. :)
    happy blogiversary!

  27. Garlic shredding disc thing. It may be a uni-tasker but I love using it every time.

  28. I'm going with my mandolin as well! I have a really great one (that I got as a gift) that even has a waffle fry slicer! It's the best!

  29. This comment has been removed by the author.

  30. Whisks! Handy and beautiful...

  31. The Food Processor!

  32. Happy belated blogoversary!

  33. my fave kitchen doodad is my santoku knife. what a lovely giveaway! happy blog anniversary!


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