Tuesday, October 6

Hashbrown casserole

This past weekend Adam and I drove to Knoxville, TN for my friends' beautiful wedding. On the drive back home, we were determined to find a cracker barrel and chow down. Exit after exit, every cracker barrel was packed to the brim. Eventually, even after following the GPS to a cracker barrel that doesn't exist anymore, we found one that only had a 10 minute wait! I know I've had their hash brown casserole before, but I didn't get it this time. Adam, however, did order it. I tasted a bite from his and I was in heaven! Melty, oniony, cheesy hashbrowns. Mmmm. When we got home I started investigating for the recipe and I found it! It tastes almost exactly like it and is satisfying hot or straight out of the fridge. If you know the cracker barrel hashbrown casserole Im talking about, you will love this! This was also the side dish to last night's dinner, stay tuned to find out what the main dish was!

Cracker Barrel's Hashbrown Casserole
1.5 lb frozen hash brown package
1/2 cup onion, chopped
1.5 cups sour cream, reduced fat
1.5 cups sharp cheddar, grated
Bread crumbs
salt 'n' peppa
Original recipe included a can of cream of chicken soup, but I omitted it

1 Preheat oven or toaster oven to 350
2 Defrost the hashbrowns and mix all ingredients except the bread crumbs in a big bowl. Mix well.
3 Spread the mixture in a glass dish evenly, sprinkle with bread crumbs and bake for 40-50 minutes.
4 Savor every bite.


  1. it is like heaven, i agree. plus you can play that peg game while eating it.

  2. I HAVE TO get the hashrown caserole when I go to the cracker barrel.

  3. Just the name is scary!
    I have never heard of Cracker Barrel...there are none in the NY metro area.
    This sounds so good, and filled with calories....you sure Paula Deen didn't invent this one?
    I want some!!!! now!

  4. my husband LOVES cracker barrel! He'll die if I make this for hiM!

  5. I'm not even sure what Cracker Barrel is but I do know that this sounds absolutely heavenly. I must try!

  6. I've never had this before but it does look wonderful. And you did it again...Cliff hanger twice in one week!

  7. I never had hashbrowns, but that sure looks delicious!



  8. I'm originally from Alabama.

    And I have to share a secret with

    you...I love Cracker Barrel!

    Haven't been to one in almost 20


    I'm gonna give this a try.


  9. I've never had this but it looks excellent, especially with all that cheese!

  10. I love their hash brown casserole! I need to make this recipe:)

  11. This is a comfort food for me. I love potatoes, eggs, cheese mixed together.


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