Sunday, December 13

Baked Mashed Potatoes

I've been on a major potato kick lately because of Hanukah, and guess what? I'm loving every minute of it.  Potato latkes are my favorite Hanukah treat, I will post them up soon but we eat them too fast for me to photograph them! I'm sure I'll make another zillion latkes this week so hopefully I'll be able to snap some photos. For a change, I decided to make creamy mashed potatoes baked in individual ramekins. The tops were golden and crisp because of the breadcrumbs and creamy and smooth on the inside. This is a great side dish to any meat or fish — and easy!

Baked Mashed Potatoes
serves 2
4 Potatoes, peeled
salt and pepper
1 cup hot milk, heated in the microwave
Italian seasoned breadcrumbs, just enough to sprinkle on the tops

1 Peel the potatoes and immerse in a pot of cold water, enough to completely cover the potatoes. Bring to a boil ,cook for about 20 minutes until fork tender.
2 Drain potatoes and throw in to a large bowl, season with salt and pepper. With the back of a wooden spoon or a potato masher, mash the potatoes until there are no clumps or bumps. Pour splashes of hot milk while you are smoothing out the potatoes, a little bit at a time, until completely smooth.
3 Fill ramekins with mashed potatoes, sprinkle with breadcrumbs and bake in the oven (I used the toaster oven) until tops are golden brown.


  1. This looks great! I make something similar to this but I throw in some spinach with the potatoes. Sounds weird but it tastes great and I get a little more vitamins in my meal...hahaha.

  2. Yum.

    This looks fabulous.

    I'm gonna try it out

    I probably add scallions

    and bacon.


  3. yum! Its liek a twice baked potato without the baked potato (which everyone knows is the worst part!)

  4. Those are some very tasty looking potatoes!

  5. A delightful dish! Comforting and really tasty!

  6. Yum, another yummy potato recipe. This would be lovely to serve company.


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