Monday, December 7

A French Snack

Have you ever heard of this snack? Baguette, slathered with butter, topped with radish slices and finished off with some sea salt? I've been seeing it around lately and decided I should see what all the hoopla is about. Apparently, it is a very popular snack or appetizer in France alongside a glass of white wine. My verdict? Very tasty, however I wasn't overwhelmed. It was great but I don't see myself preparing it again anytime soon. Compared to my favorite snack, I think mine wins! No recipe here, I think the photo is pretty self explanatory.

Now, guess what else! You see that fluffy bread in the photo? Well..... I made it! I baked my very own bread. I feel so accomplished :) I followed the "no-knead" bread baking recipe step-by-step, and it turned out fantastic! Here is the site I followed. No bread machine required, just time and a dutch oven (I used my crock pot bowl) and whoala! This is what came out of the oven:
Isn't it pretty? The crust is crispy and crunchy while the inside is moist and soft. I think next time I will add a little more salt. I can't wait to try other types of breads, like olive and sun dried tomato. Please check out the website and you'll be amazed at what a little time and yeast creates! One tip, make sure to use Instant yeast, otherwise it won't rise as needed. Let me know how it goes!


  1. That bread looks delicious! And it's easy to make, you say? I'll try it! Thanks for sharing.

  2. A great snack and wonderful loaf!



  3. it looks pretty but I'm don't think I'll like it..

  4. Congratulations on your bread---looks gorgeous and delicious. I have yet to try the no-knead bread, but I know many have had great success with it.

    The radish-butter-baguette thing is an acquired taste, one my partner Bill loves. I like to include a little chopped green onion on top.

  5. Nice job on the bread!!! It looks fab. I'm not really a radish fan but may have to try that sometime.

  6. I would have to be with you on this one. I'm just not a huge fan of radishes...they are not for me! I like your snack better:) However the bread you made looks awesome!!! I would totally slather that with bread:)


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